What are frequent car ac issues?

We're all looking forwards to the warm weather of summer, but nobody's excited about turning on the car's air conditioner and discovering that it doesn't work. The last thing you want is for your car's air conditioning to go down on a day when rolling down the windows won't be enough to keep you comfortable. A car air conditioning professional in Canberra is crucial to getting your air conditioner operating again because it can be difficult to diagnose faults with the system. We've compiled a list of the most frequent auto AC issues: AC does not blow cold air Australians frequently complain that their car air conditioner blows tepid or lukewarm air instead of frigid. Several factors can combine to cause this problem: compressor failure or compressor clutch failure A blocked refrigerant charge hose or expansion tube Failure or damage to the condenser or evaporator might cause a vacuum leak Problem with a control unit, solenoid, bl...